Quanto costa un viaggio alle Isole Cook?

Quanto costa un viaggio alle Isole Cook?
Quindi in linea di massima, per una vacanza di due settimane in sistemazioni di categoria intermedia e prenotando i voli con largo anticipo, il prezzo indicativo potrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai 6.000-7-000 euro a coppia, inclusi tutti i voli, i trasferimenti e gli hotel con trattamento di pernottamento e prima colazione.
What are the key facts of Rarotonga?
- / 21.23500°S 6°W / -21.23500; -6 Rarotonga is the largest and most populous of the Cook Islands. The island is volcanic, with an area of 67.39 km 2 (26.02 sq mi), and is home to almost 75% of the country's population, with 13,007 of a total population of 17,434.
What is the Rarotongan online dictionary?
- This online dictionary is designed to provide quick access for learners and speakers of the Rarotongan language. As with all the Cook Islands languages of this dictionary, it can be search in English or Rarotongan.
What is the name of the airport in Rarotonga?
- Rarotonga International Airport is the international airport of the Cook Islands. Air Rarotonga operates domestic inter-island flights: daily flights to Aitutaki, regular flights to Atiu, Mangaia, Mauke and Mitiaro, and occasional flights to the remote northern atolls of Manihiki, Tongareva (Penrhyn) and Pukapuka.
How do I get around the island of Rarotonga?
- Rarotonga is just like one big resort with endless adventures and excitement just waiting to be explored. With so much on offer you’ll be excited to learn that getting around our beautiful island is as easy as hopping on board a bus travelling in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.