In quale paese si trova la città di Melbourne?

In quale paese si trova la città di Melbourne?
Australia sud-orientale Melbourne è la capitale dello stato del Victoria, nell'Australia sud-orientale, e ha 4 milioni e mezzo di abitanti.
Quale oceano bagna Melbourne?
Victoria Stato dell'Australia sud-orientale (227.416 km2 con 5.297.600 ab. nel 2008); confina a N e a NE con il Nuovo Galles del Sud, a O con l'Australia Meridionale, a S con il Mare di Tasman, con lo Stretto di Bass e con l'Oceano Indiano. Capitale Melbourne.
What is the Yarra Valley famous for?
- While the Yarra Valley region is most known for delicious food and fine wine, the area is also filled to the brim with walking trails, activities and gardens to explore. The TarraWarra Museum of Art is a striking contemporary building showcasing Australian art from the 1950s and beyond.
Why get married in the Yarra Valley?
- The new histo… The Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges offers the perfect opportunity to experience the ultimate destination wedding. Beautiful by design, the region is a natural wonder where memories are made, and visitors marvel at the relaxed atmosphere, welcoming people and extensive range of interconnected services and skills.
Is the Yarra Valley Australia's best weekend break?
- Despite its close proximity to the bustling city, however, the Yarra Valley is a whole world away, with breathtaking scenery, wineries, national parks and wildlife, and lots of adventure. It’s definitely one of the most fabulous weekend breaks.
Are the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges open?
- *The Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges are classed as Metro Melbourne and are currently under lockdown restrictions. This post is for the purpose of planning ahead and is in no way promoting visits to the region whilst restrictions are in place.