Come organizzare una festa in stile hawaiano?

Come organizzare una festa in stile hawaiano?

Come organizzare una festa in stile hawaiano?

Non è affatto complicato organizzare una festa hawaiana! Fai in modo che sia informale, chiedi agli ospiti di vestirsi in base al tema, decora la casa con fiori, piante, candele profumate e colori brillanti per dare l'impressione di essere ai tropici; servi dei piatti a base di pesce, offri cocktail e bibite tropicali.

Why visit a luau?

  • For many visitors to Hawaii visiting a Luau is one of the top activities they wish to experience while on the Islands. The Traditional Hawaiian Feast and After Dinner show is steeped in Hawaiian Tradition.

What is the Maui luau?

  • Award-winning luau, featuring traditional Hawaiian cuisine, open bar, authentic hula, leis, Tropical Hawaiian Village setting, oceanfront. The Wailele Polynesian Luau has been designed to bring traditional and authentic dances, songs and colorful costumes to visitors of this beautiful island, Maui.

What do you eat at a Hawaiian luau?

  • Some luau, like Feast of Lele even present gourmet takes on traditional dishes, complete with wine pairings. You’ll dine on kalua pig cooked in an imu (earth oven), haupia (coconut pudding) and poi (Hawaiian taro starch), among many other delightful dishes.

Are all luaus in Oahu equal?

  • Not All Luaus in Oahu are Equal so we endeavor to show you the Best Luaus in Oahu in our complete guide. With so many on offer, they all try and have their own unique selling point so they stand out from the crowd so the best Luau on Oahu for one may not be for another so we do our best to point out the pros and cons of each.

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