Qual è il monte più alto del mondo sottomarino?
Qual è il monte più alto del mondo sottomarino?
Mauna Kea. 4 207,3 m s.l.m.
Dove si trova il vulcano Mauna Kea?
Hawaii Mauna Kea Vulcano spento dell'isola Hawaii (4205 m), con numerosi coni di cenere; è la più alta montagna dell'isola. La sua cima d'inverno è ammantata di neve.
Dove si trova la montagna Everest?
Himalaya Il monte Everest (pron. /ˈɛverest/) è la vetta più alta del continente asiatico e della Terra con la sua altitudine di 8848,86 m s.l.m., situato nella catena dell'Himalaya assieme ad altri ottomila, al confine fra Cina e Nepal, rientrando dunque nelle cosiddette Sette Vette del Pianeta.
Where is Mauna Kea?
- Clickable imagemap of Hawaii island showing the location of Mauna Kea, making up 22.8 percent of the island's surface area. Mauna Kea is one of five volcanoes that form the island of Hawaii, the largest and youngest island of the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain.
Why is Mauna Kea so important?
- Mauna Kea is a deeply sacred place that is revered in Hawaiian traditions. It’s regarded as a shrine for worship, as a home to the gods, and as the piko of Hawaiʻi Island. Mauna Kea is also a critical part of the ceded lands trust that the State of Hawaiʻi must protect and preserve for future generations, pursuant to its kuleana as a trustee.
Is Mauna Kea higher than Mauna Loa?
- Much of its mass lies east of its present summit. Mauna Kea stands 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) above sea level, about 38 m (125 ft) higher than its neighbor Mauna Loa, and is the highest point in the state of Hawaii.
How high is the Mauna Kea volcano?
- It stands 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) above sea level, about 38 m (125 ft) higher than its neighbor Mauna Loa, and is the highest point in the state of Hawaii. Like all Hawaiian volcanoes, Mauna Kea has been created as the Pacific tectonic plate has moved over the Hawaiian hotspot in the Earth's underlying mantle.