Quanto è durato il blackout del 2003?

Quanto è durato il blackout del 2003?
Nel giro di 2 minuti e mezzo l'Italia piombò nel buio lasciando senza elettricità 59 milioni di italiani.
Cosa succederebbe in caso di blackout?
Si prevedono reazioni di caos totale nella maggior parte delle aree urbane, se non in tutte. Verrebbero a mancare mezzi di comunicazione, mezzi di trasporto, rifornimenti alimentari e tutti gli apparecchi elettronici alla quale siamo talmente abituati, perderebbero completamente la loro utilità.
What does the term 'Blackout' really mean?
- Generally, a blackout is described as a period of unconsciousness or lack of awareness when you are unable to recall what happened or what you did. Blackouts may occur as a result of brain damage, drug side effects, excessive alcohol consumption, or disorders affecting brain function, such as epilepsy.
What does a "blackout" feel like?
- People with this type of blackout, also called an “en bloc” blackout, have amnesia that can last for many hours. It can feel like you weren’t there for the events that occurred. 1 A person can progress from blacking out to passing out. 1 Passing out, or losing consciousness, as a result of drinking is a sign of an alcohol overdose , a ...
What makes you black out?
- You may also black out after a fall or blow to the head or due to excess alcohol or street drugs. Strokes and mini strokes (transient ischaemic attacks) can also result in a blackout. Prolonged blackout, confusion after the event, incomplete recovery and tongue biting all suggest that the cause is not a simple faint.
What does the name Blackout mean?
- noun blackout Senses a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting. any darkness resulting from the extinction of lights. the failure of electric power for a general region sufficient to extinguish all normal lighting. synonyms: brownout, dimout. a momentary loss of consciousness.