Cosa chiede BLM?

Cosa chiede BLM?
Black Lives Matter organizza regolarmente delle manifestazioni per protestare apertamente contro gli omicidi delle persone nere da parte della polizia, nonché contro questioni più estese come profilazione razziale, brutalità della polizia e disuguaglianza razziale nel sistema giuridico degli Stati Uniti.
What is BLM Oregon?
- BLM is a valued and relevant partner with our communities in creating a sustainable future for our public lands in Oregon and Washington. BLM is a valued and relevant partner with our communities in creating a sustainable future for our public lands in Oregon and Washington.
How many land records does the BLM have?
- Since 1946 these and other federal land and mineral records have been maintained by the BLM in a growing serialized casefile system, which today nationwide contains more than two billion documents.
What is the Oregon and California Railroad lands program?
- In November 2017, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued payments totaling $19.5 million to 18 counties in western Oregon, which includes $1.4 million previously sequestered funds. Located in 18 counties of western Oregon, the Oregon and California Railroad Lands comprise nearly 2.6 million acres of forests that is managed by the BLM.
What does the BLM do for the energy industry?
- The BLM also supports the electrical transmission and oil and gas pipeline infrastructure that are critical to bring the electrons, British Thermal Units, and fuels generated by these energy sources to market. These energy sources are all represented as easy-to-use interactive maps on our Energy Maps and Reports page.