In what way was Ben Gunn role important in the story?

In what way was Ben Gunn role important in the story?
Ben's role is one of a "helper". He been marooned on the island for three years. He knows the lay of the land, he's been reformed of his pirate ways, and thus, provided Jim and the others with exptensive help that no one else could.
Is Treasure Island a real story?
Real pirates and piracy. Historian Luis Junco suggests that Treasure Island is a combination of the story of the murder of Captain George Glas on board the Earl of Sandwich in 1765 and the taking of the ship Walrus off the island of La Graciosa near Tenerife.
Who is Ben Gunn in Treasure Island?
- Formerly a member of Captain Flint ’s crew, Ben Gunn was abandoned on Treasure Island three years before Jim and the Hispaniola arrived. It was he who found and hid the treasure, a mystery that Jim discovers only at the end. Gunn is so grateful to have met Jim and found him friendly that he pledges full loyalty to his side.
What is Ben's name in Treasure Island?
- Treasure Island. Benjamin "Ben" Gunn is a fictional character in the Treasure Island novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.
What is the name of the boy in Treasure Island?
- Benjamin "Ben" Gunn is a fictional character in the Treasure Island novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.
What did Ben Gunn do to Jim on the island?
- A last note about Ben Gunn: when the poor man first meets Jim on the island, he tells Jim that spending three years on the island has made him a God-fearing man again. He was raised to believe in God as a child, and years alone have brought him back to faith again.