Cosa vuol dire Feniano?

Cosa vuol dire Feniano?

Cosa vuol dire Feniano?

feniani Nell'antica letteratura e nella mitologia irlandese, i seguaci dell'eroe Finn Mac Cumhail, che formavano una speciale milizia permanente per la difesa dallo straniero; si ispiravano a principi cavallereschi.

Perché l'Irlanda è stata divisa?

Scopo principale della partizione fu separare la popolazione cattolica da quella protestante, in quanto la prima era a stragrande maggioranza indipendentista, mentre la seconda restava legata al Regno Unito.

What is the meaning of Fenian?

  • (Show more) Fenian, member of an Irish nationalist secret society active chiefly in Ireland, the United States, and Britain, especially during the 1860s. The name derives from the Fianna Eireann, the legendary band of Irish warriors led by the fictional Finn MacCumhaill (MacCool).

Who were the Fenians and what did they want?

  • The Fenians were members of the so-called Fenian movement in Ireland and elsewhere, though primarily America and England . The Fenians wanted one simple desire for Ireland – independence from British rule. The Great Famine had a massive impact on Ireland.

What was the Fenian movement in Ireland?

  • Ireland: The rise of Fenianism. Among the exiles both in the United States and in Britain, the Fenian movement spread widely. A secret revolutionary society named for the Fianna, an Irish armed force of legendary times, it aimed at securing Ireland’s independence by exploiting every opportunity to injure British….

What is the Fenian Cycle?

  • The name originated with the Fianna in Irish mythology - groups of legendary warrior-bands associated with Fionn mac Cumhail. Mythological tales of the Fianna became known as the Fenian Cycle. The term Fenian today occurs as a derogatory sectarian term in Ireland, referring to Irish nationalists and/or Catholics, particularly in Northern Ireland.

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