Dove si conoscono Romeo e Giulietta?

Dove si conoscono Romeo e Giulietta?
La storia d'amore tra Romeo e Giulietta è ambientata a Verona, nel 1303 circa, tra le vie del centro storico e alcuni dei luoghi più caratteristici della città scaligera, come la casa di Giulietta, dov'è ancora possibile ammirare il famoso balcone, e la vicina casa di Romeo; tutte e due non troppo lontane dalla ...
What is the relationship between Lord Capulet and Juliet?
- The Relationship Between Lord Capulet and Juliet in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Capulet first appears to be an aggressive man. It can be seen in act 1, scene 1, when there is a brawl on the streets of Verona, that Capulet hastily tries to join the fighting.
What does Lord Capulet reveal about his character in Act 2?
- Lord Capulet reveals a different side to his character when he speaks to Paris regarding Juliet. He is concerned that marriage is too sudden for his daughter. "My child is yet a stranger in the world, she hath not seen the change of fourteen years." Capulet acts fatherly and protective over his daughter, as would be expected.
How would you describe Juliet in Act 1?
- In act 1, Juliet appears to be the dutiful daughter; she is obviously influenced by her parents and surrounding family members. Juliet is at first very innocent and obedient towards her family and seems very loyal. When Lady Capulet tells Juliet of the plans for her to be married to Paris, she is polite and loyal when answering.
What does Romeo say about Juliet in Romeo and Juliet?
- For example when he is speaking to Paris about marrying Juliet he says ‘And too soon married……all my hopes but she’.Throughout the play Juliet faces a variety of emotional challenges; this ensures a young and na�ve Juliet has to mature above her age in a short period of time. “ Really polite, and a great writer!