Whats does lowkey mean?

Whats does lowkey mean?
What does low-key mean? Low-key can variously mean “quiet,” “restrained,” “moderate,” or “easygoing.” It can also behave as an adverb meaning “of low or moderate intensity.” Like doing something, but in a “chill” way. For instance: We're having a party at my place but keeping it low-key so the neighbors don't complain.
What does lowkey mean on Tiktok?
Lowkey (or highkey) Lowkey means someone secretly wants to do something and they don't want to be obvious about it. Highkey is the opposite. Someone wants to do something and they want the attention.
What is lowkey in social media?
"Low-key" is used as an adjective to describe something you're doing on the down-low, understatedly or secretly.
Is lowkey grammatically correct?
Lowkey is an adverb that describes doing something in a restrained fashion. ... The adverb form of the idiom lowkey, which is rendered as a closed compound word, came into use about a decade ago and is an example of how language evolves via the internet.
Who is a low key person?
The definition of low key is someone or something that is relatively calm, placid or not full of excitement. An example of a low key party is one where people sit around and quietly talk. An example of a low key person is someone who doesn't get easily mad or show wild swings of emotion. adjective.
What does 08 mean on TikTok?
08 on TikTok means someone who are born in 2008. The people born in 2008 use this hashtag to show how pretty and mature they can look despite their young age. The people who use this hashtag seem much older than they are supposed to be, so they are intrigued by such videos.
What does aimed mean on TikTok?
aimed(this is directed towards people) {that is what aimed means} don't take it too personal.
What lowkey attractive?
Restrained, subtle, not trying to attract attention. adjective.
Why is it good to be lowkey?
Logically, when I keep things low-key, people don't know which part of me or my progress to attack. People can't try and bring me down about stuff they don't know. This isn't to say that we shouldn't shine unapologetically, or we should fear those around you. I Just take time to reflect on my intentions.
How do you use low key in a sentence?
(1) The wedding will be a very low-key affair. (2) We want to keep the whole affair as low-key as possible. (3) He wanted to keep the meetings low-key. (4) Their wedding was a very low-key affair.