Come alimentare coralli LPS?

Come alimentare coralli LPS?
Anche i coralli mangiano catturando piccoli animali galleggianti chiamati zooplancton. Di notte, i polipi corallini escono dai loro scheletri per nutrirsi, allungando i loro tentacoli lunghi e pungenti per catturare le creature che vi galleggiano. Le prede vengono tirate nella bocca dei polipi e digerite nello stomaco.
Cosa mangiano gli anemoni?
Per quanto riguarda l'alimentazione, gli anemoni di mare sono animali filtratoti ma possono apprezzare anche piccoli invertebrati. Se il tuo anemone è abbastanza grande puoi anche somministrare dei pezzetti piccoli di gamberetti o seppie, da dare non più di una volta a settimana.
What is LPs coral?
- LPS coral is the name given to the group of coral species that have a stony skeleton, made from calcium carbonate, and large fleshy polyps. Many of the popular LPS coral species look a bit like a cross between a small polyp stony coral and a soft coral. The most popular LPS coral types are:
Can LPS corals be removed from the aquarium?
- An LPS coral should never be removed from the aquarium while the polyps are inflated, because inflated, fleshy polyps may tear on their own skeleton when removed from the water. Use caution when placing LPS corals near other corals—many LPS species have long sweeper (stinging) tentacles, and will battle with neighbors that are too close.
What are large polyp stony corals?
- Large Polyp Stony Corals are the builders of calcium carbonate reef structures found in the wild. The skeleton of these corals is slowly secreted by the epidermis at the base of each coral polyp. The rate that this occurs depends on the species.
What do LPS corals need to survive?
- They typically require low-to-moderate lighting and flow and are sometimes capable of feeding directly on meaty foods. An LPS coral should never be removed from the aquarium while the polyps are inflated, because inflated, fleshy polyps may tear on their own skeleton when removed from the water.