Che cosa indica la sigla SIS?

Che cosa indica la sigla SIS?
Il sistema Sintesi Stabilimenti (Sistema Integrato per gli Scambi e le Importazioni) presente sulla piattaforma NSIS del Ministero della salute consiste in una banca dati per il mantenimento dell'anagrafe degli stabilimenti italiani per la produzione di alimenti di origine animale (Reg.
Cosa si intende per Bro?
brother f. llo (fratello).
What does the name SIS mean?
- What does Sis mean? S is as a name for girls has the meaning "blind; sixth". Sis is a version of Cicely (Latin, Old Welsh). STARTS WITH Si-Variations. VARIANT Cis. RELATIONS VIA CICELY Cissy, Sisley, Sissie, Sissy. CREATIVE FORMS (female)
What does the root word SIS mean?
- suffix in Greek-derived nouns denoting action, process, state, condition, from Greek -sis, which is identical in meaning with Latin -entia, English -ing (1).
What does SIS mean slang?
- Alright,sis. I'm down.
- Just thought I'd let you know,sis.
- I've always thought of you as family,sis.
What is the difference between SIS and sister?
- is that sis is (informal) shortened form of sister while sister is a daughter of the same parents as another person; a female sibling. What Sister City means? A sister city, county, or state relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries.