Cosa si intende per silos?

Cosa si intende per silos?
sili o, alla spagnola, silos). ... – 1. Costruzione destinata alla conservazione di foraggi, derrate, prodotti deperibili, e anche di minerali: sili per cereali, per lo più situati in porti, nodi ferroviarî, luoghi di produzione o stabilimenti di trasformazione, formati da torri cilindriche o prismatiche, generalm.
Come si dice silos in inglese?
Sinonimi: granary, crib, pit, storehouse, storage area, altro... Vedi la traduzione automatica di Google Translate di "silo".
What does the term silo mean in business?
- What does the term silo mean in business? A silo mentality is a reluctance to share information with employees of different divisions in the same company. This attitude is seen as reducing the organization's efficiency and, at worst, contributing to a damaged corporate culture. Click to see full answer.
What is a silo used for?
- Used for architectural beauty of structure.
- Used for flooring purposes.
- Used for interior&exterior decorations.
- Used for making ornamental sculptures.
What does silo mean in Spanish?
- silo (ˈsaɪləʊ) n, pl-los 1. (Agriculture) a pit, trench, horizontal container, or tower, often cylindrical in shape, in which silage is made and stored 2. (Military) a strengthened underground position in which missile systems are sited for protection against attack [C19: from Spanish, perhaps from Celtic]
What does silo mean?
- silo. (ˈsaɪləʊ) n, pl-los. 1. (Agriculture) a pit, trench, horizontal container, or tower, often cylindrical in shape, in which silage is made and stored. 2. (Military) a strengthened underground position in which missile systems are sited for protection against attack.