Quanto è alto Stone Cold?

Quanto è alto Stone Cold?
1.88 m Steve Austin/Height
What does Stone Cold Steve Austin’s 3/16 actually mean?
- What does Stone Cold Steve Austin's 3:16 actually mean? A catchphrase that transcended everything that sports entertainment ever knew. A catchphrase that defined not just the career of one of WWE’s biggest Superstars of all time, but one that defined an entire era of professional wrestling.
What does Austin 3/16 mean?
- So that is all that Austin 3:16 means, ladies and gentlemen. It was something that Austin came up with to insult Jake Roberts and his priest gimmick during the post-match interview, that's all there is!
How many shirts did Stone Cold Steve Austin sell?
- Austin 3:16 shirts sold like hot cakes during the peak of the Attitude Era and continue to do so, to this day, through WWEShop and it's associates, despite Austin no longer being on-screen. Stone Cold Steve Austin is legitimately a bonafide legend of the Wrestling business.
Did Stone Cold Steve Austin participate in the king of the ring?
- Stone Cold Steve Austin, who had just recently rid himself of his association with Ted Dibiase, had taken part in the 1996 King of the Ring tournament. The tournament's semi-finals and finals were held on June at the MECCA Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.