Dove si trova l'isola di Tonga?

Dove si trova l'isola di Tonga?

Dove si trova l'isola di Tonga?

Oceania Stato insulare dell'Oceania, situato nel Pacifico centroccidentale, con capitale Nuku'alofa. Il territorio è composto da più di 150 isole; la popolazione è perlopiù concentrata nelle due isole maggiori, Tongatapu e Vava'u.

What is the meaning of the word tonga?

  • Other suggested definition of the word Tonga is “chiefless”, but there are other interpretations, including “river”, such that the BaTonga are the people of the river. Many other ethnic groups in southern Africa traditionally had centralized forms of government, but the Tonga recognized no chiefs.

Who are the Tonga people of Zambia?

  • See Article History. Tonga, Bantu-speaking people who inhabit the southern portion of Zambia and neighbouring areas of northern Zimbabwe and Botswana. Numbering more than one million in the early 21st century, the Tonga are concentrated along the Zambezi Escarpment and along the shores of Lake Kariba.

What is the dialect of Tonga?

  • There are two distinctive dialects of the Tonga, Valley Tonga and Plateau Tonga. Valley Tonga is mostly spoken in the Zambezi valley and southern areas of the Batonga (Tonga People) while Plateau Tonga is spoken more around Monze district and the northern areas of the Batonga.

What is the Malwai Tonga?

  • The Malwai Tonga also called Batonga, Lake Shore Tonga or Nyasa Tonga lives northern Malawi. The Tongaland is bordered by the Vipya range of mountains to the west, extending north and south of the Luwenda River as well as the Kawandama mountain ranges in the south.

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