Che cosa è la lingua yiddish?

Che cosa è la lingua yiddish?

Che cosa è la lingua yiddish?

- Lingua degli Ebrei ashkenaziti, nata intorno al 10° sec., quando Ebrei provenienti dalla Francia e dall' Italia settentrionale si stabilirono in Renania . Il termine deriva dal ted. jiddish, alterazione dell'aggettivo jüdisch «giudeo».

Dove si parla la lingua yiddish?

Lingua yiddish
Yiddish ייִדיש
Parlato inStati Uniti d'America, Svezia, Israele, Ucraina, Germania, Bielorussia, Russia, Polonia, Canada, Romania, Moldavia, Argentina, Birobidžan
RegioniRussia Oblast' autonoma ebraica
Totale3 milioni (1991)

What is Yiddish?

  • Yiddish is a fusion language written using the Hebrew alphabet. It grew out of Middle High German and acquired elements of Hebrew and Aramaic, as well as significant Slavic, Latin/Romance, and even Turkic elements.

How to write Yiddish words in YIVO transcription?

  • Examples: type פּלימעניק , not פּלימעניקעס ; type שײן , not שײנע , and העלף , not העלפֿן or אונטערגעהאָלפֿן . Write Yiddish words in YIVO transcription. Use the stem of the word (not the plural, case-marked, or conjugated form) of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

What does tchotchke mean in Yiddish?

  • Extra credit: In Yiddish, tchotchke usually refers to a doll. Extra credit: We learned from Linda Richman on SNL that it means overcome with happiness; throat clenched up with happiness, but in Yiddish, the word farklempt was almost always associated with grief (usually associated with the heart, as in the heart was clenched with grief).

What does shtik mean in Yiddish?

  • In the Yiddish, shtik means “a slice,” and comes from the German word for stücke (“piece, play”). As Allen quipped, “Let’s all do some schtick. I’ll schtick it to you, and you schtick it to me.” If you’re headed to a nosh-house, you’re on your way to a restaurant.

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