Come si chiama la foresta che si estende in Nord America oltre il cinquantesimo parallelo?
Foresta nazionale di Shoshone
Shoshone National Forest
Superficie a terra
9.981,92 km²
Provvedimenti istitutivi
United States Forest Service
How big is the forest in New York State?
New York Land Area: 30.2 million acres. State Population: 19.4 million New York State forest area: 18.6 million acres, 61% of land area, about one acre per resident Privately-owned forest land area: 14.4 million acres; 76% of forest land; owned by 687,000 landowners Number of tree species: more than 100 commercial and non-commercial
Who is the New York State Forester?
Robert Davies is Director of DEC's Division of Lands and Forests and New York's State Forester. He is responsible for the administration of several forestry programs in partnership with the United State Forest Service, including the Urban and Community Forest program, the Forest Stewardship Program, and the Forest Legacy Program.
What is the New York State young forest initiative?
Learn about DEC's Young Forest Initiative, which will dramatically increase this type of habitat for wildlife that depend upon it. New York state is 63% forested - forests cover 18.9 million acres of our 30 million total acres. Much of this land is privately owned and managed for wood or pulp.
What is the New York State Forest Action Plan?
New York State Forest Action Plan - This planning effort looks at all forests statewide: public and private, rural and urban.