Chi è stato ad uccidere Wes?

Chi è stato ad uccidere Wes?

Chi è stato ad uccidere Wes?

Veniamo ora alla rivelazione che tutti stavamo aspettando: l'assassino è Dominick, un amico della famiglia di Laurel. Quel che è più scioccante, però, è il mandante dell'omicidio… il padre della ragazza. Tramite un flashback vediamo Dominick assalire Wes ed iniettargli una sostanza che lo stordisce.

Who is Bonnie Winterbottom on how to get away with murder?

  • Bonnie Winterbottom is a fictional character created in 2014 by Peter Nowalk. Portrayed by Liza Weil, she is a Philadelphia -based associate attorney who works for Annalise Keating 's firm, and is one of the main characters on the ABC legal drama series How to Get Away with Murder .

Who is Bonnie Winterbottom on Grey's Anatomy?

  • On Febru, it was announced that Shonda Rhimes had cast Liza Weil in the role of Bonnie Winterbottom. "I’ve always played people who are considerably younger, so it’s nice to be playing a grown-up. Bonnie is a grown-up. She’s a serious lady, man. Bonnie is very much navigating and delegating to the students.

What did Bonnie Winterbottom say to Annalise Keating?

  • —Bonnie Winterbottom about Annalise Keating to Isaac Roa [src] Around a month later, Bonnie called Annalise who was visiting her parents revealing that Hannah Keating ( Sam 's sister) was contesting Annalise's ownership of the house and her hearing to be reinstated to the Bar was pending.

What did Bonnie Winterbottom say to Ronald Miller?

  • And now I just found out he might be alive." —Bonnie Winterbottom to Ronald Miller regarding her childhood. [src] When Bonnie was young, she and her sister, Julie Winterbottom were often abused, sexually and otherwise by her father and other men who her father introduced them to; one of whom being Louis Lindgren.

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