Che fine ha fatto Sheila di Osho?

Che fine ha fatto Sheila di Osho?
Sheela è stata estradata dalla Germania, dove era fuggita ed è stata accusata, tra gli altri, di tentato omicidio. Alla fine si è dichiarata colpevole di frode in materia di immigrazione e di intercettazione telefonica illegale e ha scontato 39 mesi della sua condanna a 20 anni di reclusione.
What happened to the Rancho Rajneesh commune?
- In May 1982, the residents of the Rancho Rajneesh commune voted to incorporate the separate city of Rajneeshpuram on the ranch. Apart from the control of Antelope and the land-use question, there were other disputes. The commune leadership took an aggressive stance on many issues and initiated litigation against various groups and individuals.
What was the relationship between Rajneeshpuram followers and Oregonians?
- The Rajneeshpuram residents believed that the wider Oregonian community was both bigoted and suffered from religious intolerance. According to Latkin (1992) Rajneesh's followers had made peaceful overtures to the local community when they first arrived in Oregon.
Who were the Rajneeshees?
- Its population consisted entirely of Rajneeshees, followers of the spiritual teacher Rajneesh, later known as Osho.
When did Rajneeshees move to Oregon?
- The first contingent of Rajneeshees quietly moved to Oregon in summer 1981, but they couldn't escape notice for long. Part of the guru's brand was clothing in reddish hues.