Come funzionano i voti in Germania?

Come funzionano i voti in Germania?

Come funzionano i voti in Germania?

I voti nelle scuole tedesche vanno dall'1 al 6: 1 è ottimo, 2 buono, 3 discreto, 4 sufficiente, 5 insufficiente, 6 gravemente insufficiente.

What GPA do you need to study in Germany?

  • American to German Grade Conversion. Note: German grades are on a scale of 1.0 (best possible grade) to 4.0 (lowest passing grade). 5.0 is a failing grade. Most Master’s programs in Germany require a GPA of 2.5, although this varies by program.

What is the International GPA calculator?

  • This international GPA calculator is intended to help you calculate the United States Grade Point Average (GPA) based on grades or points from almost any country in the world. The U.S. GPA is calculated on a 4.0 scale.

What grading scale is used to calculate the GPA?

  • Otherwise, the following scale will be used: A = 90–100, B = 80–89, C = 70–79, D = 60–69, F = 0–59. One or more grades does not exist in our database. Check the grading scale below for the available grades. You did not enter a grade for one or more courses. A grade is required to calculate the GPA.

How do I convert American grades to German grades?

  • Nd = the grade you want to convert. When using the Modified Bavarian Formula to convert American grades, it would (typically) look like this (using 3.5 as the GPA to be converted): Nmax = 4.0. Nmin = 2.0. Nd = 3.5. Do the math, and you will find out that an American 3.5 converts to a German 1.75.

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