Quanti abitanti ha Coventry?

Quanti abitanti ha Coventry?
Per numero di abitanti (360 1) Coventry è la dodicesima città del Regno Unito, la nona d'Inghilterra e la seconda delle Midlands Occidentali.
In che stato si trova Liverpool?
Liverpool è situata nel nord-ovest dell'Inghilterra, nella contea metropolitana del Merseyside. Sorge sulla riva destra del vasto estuario del fiume Mersey, alla confluenza con il Mare d'Irlanda.
Where is the village of Wollaston?
- Wollaston is a village on the outskirts of Stourbridge in the English West Midlands. It is located in the south of the Dudley Metropolitan Borough, one mile from Stourbridge town centre. Until 1974 when the West Midlands Metropolitan County was created, Wollaston was in Worcestershire .
Is the Stourbridge Lion under threat of demolition?
- The foundry in Lowndes Road where the Stourbridge Lion was built, was under threat of demolition until work started in to form the multimillion-pound Lion Health Centre
Where is the Stourbridge Lion locomotive now?
- Built by Foster, Rastrick and Company in Wollaston, the Stourbridge Lion's historic first run took place on 8 August 1829. The locomotive is now on view at the B&O Railroad museum, Baltimore MD, on loan from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
What happened to the former home of Willard Wollaston?
- Wollaston Hall was a 17th-century mansion which stood in the village until 1924. It was later disassembled and shipped to North America, although nobody has been able to determine what happened to it after that.