Come funzionano i voucher lavoro occasionale?

Come funzionano i voucher lavoro occasionale?

Come funzionano i voucher lavoro occasionale?

Quando il lavoratore riscuote il voucher (vedremo in seguito come), il 75% del valore va al lavoratore come retribuzione del lavoro svolto. Il restante valore viene diviso in contributi Inps (13% del totale) e contributi Inail (7% del totale).

Quanto si guadagna con i voucher?

Secondo la nuova normativa tramite i voucher Inps PrestO è possibile per il lavoratore percepire 9 euro netti all'ora, con una retribuzione giornaliera mai al di sotto ai 36 euro al giorno.

What are project-based voucher (PBVs)?

  • Project-based vouchers (PBVs) are a component of Miami-Dade’s Housing Choice Voucher Program (MDHCV’s) program. MDHCV uses its tenant-based voucher funding to allocate project-based units to a project.

What is the PBV program?

  • The PBV program was enacted in 1998, as part of the statutory merger of the certificate and voucher tenant-based assistance programs under the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998.

Where does the funding for project-based voucher assistance come from?

  • There are no appropriations for this program and HUD does not allocate funding for project-based voucher assistance. Instead, funding for project-based vouchers comes from funds already obligated by HUD to a PHA under its annual contributions contract (ACC). The PHA can use up to 20 percent of its housing choice vouchers for project based vouchers.

How do I find out if a PHA manages PBV programs?

  • Information as to whether a PHA manages the PBV program may be found by contacting the local PHA. The PBV program was enacted in 1998, as part of the statutory merger of the certificate and voucher tenant-based assistance programs under the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998.

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