Quali sono le note della viola?

Quali sono le note della viola?
Le corde sono accordate sulle seguenti note: La prima corda del violino è un Mi, la seconda un La, la terza un Re e la quarta un Sol. La prima corda della viola è un La, la seconda un Re, la terza un Sol e la quarta un Do.
Come il suono della viola?
Il timbro del suono della viola è intenso, caldo e passionale, e si contraddistingue per la sua dolcezza e morbidezza sia nel registro grave che in quello acuto, prestandosi molto bene ad eseguire le voci interne dell'armonia.
What does a largemouth bass look like?
- The largemouth bass is an olive-green to greenish gray fish, marked by a series of dark, sometimes black, blotches forming a jagged horizontal stripe along each flank. The upper jaw (maxilla) of a largemouth bass extends beyond the rear margin of the orbit. In comparison to age, a female bass is larger than a male.
What is the scientific name for a large bass?
- Depending on the region, the Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) may be called Widemouth bass, Florida bass, Green trout, and Oswego bass. They are members of the family Centrarchidae native to freshwater lakes, rivers, and brackish water bodies of eastern and central North America.
What is the maxilla of a largemouth bass?
- The upper jaw (maxilla) of a largemouth bass extends beyond the rear margin of the orbit. In comparison to age, a female bass is larger than a male. The largemouth is the largest of the black basses, reaching a maximum recorded overall length of 29.5 in (75 cm) and a maximum unofficial weight of 25 pounds 1 ounce (11.4 kg).
Is a female bass bigger than a male?
- In comparison to age, a female bass is larger than a male. The largemouth is the largest of the black basses, reaching a maximum recorded overall length of 29.5 in (75 cm) and a maximum unofficial weight of 25 pounds 1 ounce (11.4 kg). The fish lives 16 years on average.