Che cosa significa soccia?

Che cosa significa soccia?

Che cosa significa soccia?

Socmel/Soccia Letteralmente, un incitazione alla fellatio. Nella parlata comune il vocabolo perde gran parte della carica dispregiativa, e assume la forma dell'intercalare.

Cosa vuol dire in bolognese Socmel?

Trattasi di un triviale invito alla fellatio: succhiamelo (dal verbo sucèr) così come la variante sóccia (italianizzazione della forma verbale che significa "succhia"), parimenti usata.

Cosa vuol dire a tal deg?

A tal Deg! Ovvero Te lo Dico nel dialetto bolognese!

What is the meaning of Torii?

  • According to Shintoism Mokuru Jushou, the book about Japanese god written during the Edo period, it is said that Torii is the symbol of communication among the close and open world. The left rail means men, while the right one means women, and also the Torii, which means the shadow of women. There is some etiquette of Torii.

What does Ise torii stand for?

  • 伊勢鳥居 (Ise torii) (see illustration above) are gates found only at the Inner Shrine and Outer Shrine at Ise Shrine in Mie Prefecture. For this reason, they are also called Jingū torii, from Jingū, Ise Grand Shrine's official Japanese name. There are two variants.

What is a sannō torii?

  • This style first appeared during the late Heian period. The sannō torii (山王鳥居) (see photo below) is myōjin torii with a gable over the two top lintels.

What are some examples of Torii in Japan?

  • Note the black nemaki . A row of torii . One-legged torii, Sannō Shrine, Nagasaki, Japan. The other half was toppled in the explosion of the nuclear bomb. An unusual white and red Nakayama torii .

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