Quante sono le isole Bahamas?

Quante sono le isole Bahamas?
È un arcipelago composto da 690 isole coralline, di cui trenta abitate. La più grande isola delle Bahamas è l'isola di Andros posta a nord-ovest dell'arcipelago, all'imboccatura degli Stretti della Florida. A nord è posta Grand Bahama, la più settentrionale fra le grandi isole.
What are some fun Bahamas words and sayings?
- 15 fun Bahamas words and sayings. 1 Big-up. This is basically a way of saying a woman’s pregnant. When you hear someone say a friend/relative is ‘big-up’, it’s time to start thinking of ... 2 Boom-boom. 3 Boonggy. 4 Cuckoo soup — Bahamas words and phrases. 5 Kerpunkle up. More items
What are some Bahamian words for derriere?
- A phrase that can relate to many things, in Bahamian dialect, it relates to the derriere. There are many words that relate to this part of the human anatomy, speaking of which…. 3. Boonggy This is probably one of the most popular Bahamian words, and yes, it again refers to the lower anatomical region.
What do Bahamians say at the end of a question?
- No matter your upbringing, it’s the language that most Bahamians use every day. It’s the language of the marketplace and is one that every Bahamian understands. Bahamians like to end questions with ‘ey’ or ‘hey’. For example, ‘she likes that boy, eh?’ is a question seeking information. They add ‘hey’ to the end of a question when seeking agreement.
How friendly are Bahamians?
- Bahamians are very friendly by nature, and just trying put a smile on their faces. The Bahamian slang and dialect isn’t an easy one to master, so don’t be too hard on yourself.