Che cosa sono i riti Voodoo?

Che cosa sono i riti Voodoo?
vudù (o vudu; anche vodù o vodu) s. m. [da una voce (che significa «divinità») della lingua dei Fon nel Benin (antico Dahomey), Africa occid., attrav. l'ingl. voodoo ‹vùuduu› e il fr. ... Anche in funzione di agg.: i culti, i riti, le pratiche magiche vudù.
What is Voodoo in Benin?
- In the tiny West African nation of Benin, Voodoo remains an official practised religion with Ouidah, only 70km from the capital of Porto Novo, said to be its birthplace.
Where did Voodoo originate?
- Beginning the voodoo ceremony in Benin. Photos by Marilynn Windust Pythons, preserved skulls and Voodoo ceremonies drew us from Ghana to Benin, the birthplace of Voodoo. These fetish origins of worship predate many religions by 10,000 years and keep a link of ancestry alive in West Africa.
Is Voodoo black or white magic?
- “Most Voodoo is white magic, to summon the good spirit from our ancestors,” the Voodoonou said. “Good spirit is stronger than bad.” A short jaunt through Togo brought us outside the city of Possotome, Benin, next to Lake Aheme.
What is Ouidah Voodoo?
- Ouidah means ‘python’ in the local language and the snake is revered as one of the most important voodoo deities. Adherents of voodoo believe that pythons won’t bite humans.