Chi ha più soldi tra Iron Man e Batman?

Chi ha più soldi tra Iron Man e Batman?
Tuttavia, la rivista Forbes, elenca Stark a $ 9,4 miliardi, posizionandolo al numero cinque nella loro lista dei personaggi immaginari più ricchi, staccando di pochissimo Bruce Wayne (Batman) con un patrimonio di $ 9,2 miliardi di dollari.
Quali sono i super poteri di Batman?
Batman non ha superpoteri; fa affidamento sulle proprie conoscenze scientifiche, capacità investigative e abilità atletiche.
What is Batman's IQ?
- BATMAN IQ BATMAN - 192 Batman IQ is an unbelievable 192, several notches above the famed theoretical physicist, who was estimated to have an IQ between 1. But hey, with all due respect to the Dark Knight, "Batman's Theory of Relativity" doesn't pack quite the same punch.
How high is genius level is Batman?
- genius level is 140 and above. Krang from TMNT is 968 !!! It hardly matters. Most of the shit that characters like Batman can pull-off, would put them beyond even the 200 range, and into the 300's, if not the 400's. It hardly matters.
How did Batman figure out the riddle of his cryptogram?
- It seems as though the Riddler is giving Batman two ways to figure out his riddle -- through deductive reasoning and through breaking the code of his cryptogram. Game designer and puzzle crafter Mike Selinker offers a walkthrough on his Twitter on how he was able to figure out the coded message.
Who is the Riddler in the Batman movie?
- In the new movie trailer that debuted this week for The Batman, the Caped Crusader (played by Robert Pattinson) gets an owl greeting card with a very unusual message from Edward Nigma, aka the Riddler. Explore movies, games, superheroes and more with CNET Culture.