Come è diviso il Canada?

Come è diviso il Canada?
Le province e territori del Canada sono tredici unità territoriali di primo livello della nazione, dieci delle quali sono chiamate province, mentre le restanti tre sono dette territori.
What does Northern Ontario mean?
- Northern Ontario is a primary geographic and quasi-administrative region of the Canadian province of Ontario, the other primary region being Southern Ontario.
What is the difference between the Near North and Northeastern Ontario?
- The Near North is a region in Northern Ontario, Canada. Photo: JasonParis, CC BY 2.0. Northeastern Ontario is a secondary region of Northern Ontario in the Canadian province of Ontario… Photo: 40rev, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Where is Northwestern Ontario?
- Northwestern Ontario is a secondary region of Northern Ontario in the Canadian province of Ontario which lies north and west of Lake Superior and west of Hudson Bay and James Bay. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0.
What is the economic geography of Northern Ontario?
- Under the staples thesis of Canadian economic history, Northern Ontario is a "hinterland" or "periphery" region, whose economic development has been defined primarily by providing raw natural resource materials to larger and more powerful business interests from elsewhere in Canada or the world.