Cosa vuol dire desu in giapponese?
Cosa vuol dire desu in giapponese?
Questa parola, infatti, può essere considerata simile al nostro verbo "essere" in funzione di copula, perchè viene utilizzata in maniera analoga: esprime, cioè, una "equivalenza" tra due elementi.
Cosa vuol dire Watashi in giapponese?
Oggi impariamo i pronomi personali. わたし (watashi) significa “io”, あなた (anata) significa “tu”, かれ (kare) significa “lui”, かのじょ (kanojo) significa “lei”. In giapponese quando il soggetto è chiaro nel discorso non c'è bisogno di metterlo.
What does Desu mean in Japanese?
- Desu identifies a person or a thing. It can be translated into "is/are/am" in English. Desu is not affected by gender or number. The negative form and the past tense of desu are as followings respectively: Ja arimasen and ja arimasendeshita are more formal.
What does atsui desu ne mean?
- Atsui desu ne "It's hot, isn't it?" Atsui means "hot" and desu ne is the tag question asking an agreement. Phrases about weather such as atsui desu ne "It's hot, isn't it?"
What is the difference between dochira and Kuni?
- Kuni means "country" and o-kuni is the respectful form. Dochira means "which", but this is often used as "where" in formal speech. One's nationality such as a Japanese or an American is made by adding -jin to a country name.