Cosa significa GMT +3?

Cosa significa GMT +3?
L'ora media di Greenwich (dall'inglese Greenwich Mean Time, abbreviato in GMT) è la sigla che identificava il fuso orario di riferimento della Terra. Dal 1º gennaio 1972 si utilizza il Tempo coordinato universale (UTC).
Cosa vuol dire CEST nelle ore?
Central European Summer Time, indicato con acronimo CEST, è uno dei nomi del fuso orario dell'Europa centrale, nel periodo e per quei Paesi che introducono l'ora legale estiva.
What does GMT-3 mean?
- GMT-3 is 3 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The largest South American country has more than one GMT/UTC offset. Explore Brazil time zones. The following countries or regions use GMT-3 either in Standard time or Daylight Saving Time as indicated.
Which countries use the GMT+3 timezone?
- The GMT/UTC+3 hours offset is shared by countries on three continents: Europe, Africa and Asia. Find out more about each of them, their time zone, offsets, and current times using our geographical selector. The following countries or regions use GMT+3 either in Standard time or Daylight Saving Time as indicated.
What is Greenwich Mean Time (GME)?
- Nowadays, Greenwich Mean Time, abbreviated as GMT, is a time zone designation rather than a time standard. Time difference between time zones can be expressed by the GMT or UTC hour difference.
What is the GMT +3 offset?
- GMT+3 Offset: Countries and Regions. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus 3 hours. Military Time Zone name for +3 offset is: C - Charlie. UTC/GMT+3 is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The GMT/UTC+2 hours offset is shared by countries on three continents: Europe, Africa and Asia.